Through a cruel coincidence, my mother has an iPhone, but her computer runs Windows.
She has struggled for years with this situation at every stage. Very uncool moves from both Apple and Microsoft have conspired to keep her phone and computer apart, and even to this day, she still couldn't figure out how to open the photos she takes with her phone...
There are tons of excellent peices of software out there for handling images -- Krita, ImageMagick, and others. However, as far as I can tell, none of them natively support HEIC images. Frankly, it's a very bad vibes situation.
So, after coming up emptyhanded, with nothing I could recommend to her that would directly open a HEIC file, I decided to take matters into my own hands and just make one. Little did I know, I was about to learn more than I ever really wanted to about why none of these exist.
EDIT: It turns out that the Windows Photos app actually was converting the HEIC photos to jpeg, she just wasn't able to find where the photos app was putting the jpeg files. So this might not be important for windows users, but I'm keeping this post up in case anyone needs to write, for example, a web application that can read HEIC images.

Code Repository
This application is written in Go, but the actual image conversion is handled by libde265
(C++ code) that was compiled to WebAssembly via Emscripten and runs inside an embedded WebAssembly runtime that was written in Go. (Similar to The Carcinization of Go Programs 🦀)
This is really good because it should work on any CPU architechture and any OS platform, there are no annoying platform-dependent C/C++ compiler issues to deal with. It runs about 10 times slower than the native option, but it works, and it's really easy to use, so I think thats what matters most.
🙇 Big thanks to the person who made that happen! 🙇
Download Links
- Windows 64 bit
- Linux 64 bit
Usage Notes
If you want lossless output you can specify png 1
(the quality number is ignored for PNG).
Only use png if you want to edit the image and then compress it further with jpeg / avif. The png files will be massive.
This tool strips all EXIF data but it should preserve the rotation that is present in the EXIF Orientation