Like Grant showed, it's continuous from order `n` to order `n+1`, meaning that scaling it down won't move anything around; in terms of percentages, both the 2D -> 1D and 1D -> 2D transformations will look exactly the same. After fixing a few bugs, it was "scrolling like butta" before my very eyes!… workstation CPU is a lot cooler, I don't get keyboard drop-outs while I'm typing any more and I think the stream quality is also improved even though the video bit rate is lower, since it's only being encoded once now instead of twice.…
I have been striving to work on greenhouse every day. Of course, I can't always meet that standard, but I believe I've gotten more done than my activity heatmap might indicate, as I have a bad habit of working on elements and features for more than a day before I commit them.…
This is great for inbound connections, but it does nothing to control outbound connections. ...I would much rather find a way to control outbound connections using the vanilla docker and docker-compose features. So that's what I set out to do, and that's where the internal networks come into play.…